
Conversion Package

This is a must when wanting dual lock facility on your safe

If you want your Dudley safe to be manufactured with dual locking E.G. Twin keylocks, Key and Electronic locks, Key and Mechanical dial locking, Twin electronic locks or even Twin Mechanical dial locks, or, indeed any combination of two locks, then, you have to add this factory fitted dual lock conversion package to your order.

The work involved for a dual lock conversion is quite complex on most safes. This can add several hours onto your chosen safe’s manufacture that includes specific required plate work, locking bolt bar work, possible enhanced internal security of the 2nd lock and even making the hole for the chosen secondary lock key, cable or lock mechanism.

Enhanced Security

Having a second lock with conversion package certainly adds additional security to your safe. Not only will it make your safe very much harder to break into, it, moreover, stops the burglar in their tracks.

You are buying time whenever you purchase a safe. When it has two locks, you make it twice as hard to break into, resulting in peace of mind for you.

Safe requirements

The dual lock conversion package applies on all Dudley Safes, capable of taking dual locking on its door, up to and including most Euro Grade 3 models.


Additional information

Weight 00.00 kg


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