Euro Grade 5 Safes

All Security Safes within this section are Euro grade 5 Insurer approved. and offer an overnight cash rating of £100,000 or valuables content of up to £1,000,000. Subject to Insurers advice.

Brands available:

Chubbsafes, Dudley Safes, Phoenix Safes

Euro grade 5 – £100,000 Insurance Approved

By their very nature, this grade of safe is extremely strong and less impervious to attack. Generally fitted with 2 locks, either twin key lock, twin electronic or supplied with locks to your own choosing. You can decide on Finger print locks, Auditable if you have several members of staff operating.

Eurograde 4 extras

Each safe in this category has enhanced door security features to deter the attacker, some can be fitted with an alarm wire to integrate to your building alarm system. You may even ask for your safe to me manufactured to your preferred size, with internal security features, such as a deposit coffer, reinforced shelving, pull out shelves or bespoke luxury lined. We can even add watch winders and create a safe of great beauty.

When you buy a secure euro grade 5 safe, you are buying quality & strength!


We are pleased to install most Euro grade 5 to a suitable ground floor location at no cost to you.
Furthermore, we believe that there is no other supplier that can match our expertise, service and prices on new safes.

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