Euro Grade 2 safes

Safes in this Eurograde 2 safes range have been tested and approved to Euro grade 2 and classed as £17,500 cash rating or up to £175,000 valuables content cover.

Euro grade 2 – £17,500 Insurance Approved

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Safes in this Eurograde 2 safes range have been tested and approved to Euro grade 2 and classed as £17,500 cash rating or up to £175,000 valuables content cover.

Each safe has built in higher security within the door and body and are supplied with stronger locks. EG: The stronger the safe, the harder and longer it takes to break into.

We supply all major brands in this category to include:- Chubbsafes, Dudley Safes, Phoenix Safes, DeRaat and KeySecure.

Each brand has several sizes that are available with a choice of high security key lock, or an electronic code lock. In addition, there are many lock upgrades to  include:-
Dual Key Lock, Dual Electronic locks, change of lock to Mechanical dial locking, or even Multi user code lock(s) with or without audit facility and time delay programming!

Eurograde 2 – Delivery

Prices on this site, as a rule include a palletised delivery to a UK mainland postal address, with the option to add either delivery and position, or full installation to include base fixing.
The brand: Dudley Safes, are all fully inclusive of ground floor delivery, install and base fix.

If you prefer  DIY, that’s no problem!

This can be dropped down for a palletised drop if self installing to save that little extra!

We must point out that any safe, going to ground floor under the weight of 1000kg, should be base fixed to comply with Insurer instructions.

Questions and advice

If you have questions, our professional team can give the answers, and offer help to the best of our ability. Having sold and installed safes for nearly 30 years, we do, indeed have the answers to most questions.

We can be contacted on 0113 2824577 or 07780 158111.
