Why do i need a security safe?
Like many of us with homes or businesses, there comes a time when it is vital to have protection in place.
Yes, its mandatory to have your homes and business insured. Be it for building reconstruction, theft, water ingress, or even loss of keys! Businesses by law, have to keep the last 40 years of insurance certificates in a secure enclosure.
Keys, house keys and car keys do not come cheap. Have you ever tried to get a set of VW car or van fobs replaced, because, you are seriously looking at hundreds of pounds for replacements!!
Ok, if you have not got one, why do I need a safe?
Pure and simple:-
Most homeowners, you, me and the average joe who probably thinks he has nothing to put in a safe are totally blindsided and sorry say this are wrong.
It’s quite an eye opener when the reply from me tells them otherwise. I suggest this list of rather innocuous items that are better in a safe rather than a box, drawer or other container, worse still …shed!!.
Insurance documents, Pension policies, Passports (we all know that one) Holiday money, Spare car/van keys, Jewellery and a myriad of other sentimental stuff such as memory sticks, wedding photos, and stuff that can never be replaced. such as medals, watch collections.
Need I say more!!
I suppose, now’s the time to really consider, what is vital to protect. Get jewellery valued, especially pass me downs from parents. That’s a kicker, because Gold, Platinum, Stuff with jewels etc have gone up in value so much, it will surprise you, and the stinger is this. Insurance companies, upon theft of jewellery, will only pay what they think its worth, unless properly valued and documented at today’s true value.
I rest my case.
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